2023 China Intertextile apparel fabrics


The atmosphere was electrifying as attendees gathered to witness the unveiling of KEE's revolutionary creation. Models graced the stage, showcasing the latest garments adorned with the innovative sideless NOTAPE zippers, leaving the audience in awe of the seamless fusion of aesthetics and functionality. This remarkable display marked the dawn of a new era in clothing design, setting KEE apart as a trailblazer in the industry.


Tony Ji, the Executive Assistant to the President of KEE, took to the stage to deliver an impassioned speech, captivating the audience with insights into the development and significance of the NOTAPE Zipper. Drawing from extensive data tests conducted using a 5# nylon zipper, Mr. Ji unveiled astonishing revelations – the KEE NOTAPE series exhibited an unprecedented over 40% reduction in power consumption, water usage, and dye consumption compared to traditional zippers. This remarkable feat underscores KEE's commitment to sustainability and innovation, reaffirming its position as a pioneer in the field.


"The launch of the NOTAPE Zipper represents a monumental achievement for KEE and the industry as a whole," remarked Mr. Ji. "We are proud to introduce a product that not only redefines the boundaries of zipper technology but also champions sustainability and environmental responsibility."


Throughout the expo, KEE's booth served as a focal point of innovation and inspiration, attracting throngs of visitors eager to experience the NOTAPE Zipper firsthand. Attendees marveled at the zipper's sleek design and unparalleled functionality, recognizing its potential to revolutionize garment construction and design.



Fashion designers and manufacturers were particularly intrigued by the versatility and sustainability of the NOTAPE Zipper, envisioning endless possibilities for incorporating it into their collections. KEE representatives engaged in fruitful discussions with industry leaders, exploring collaboration opportunities and sharing insights into the zipper's transformative impact on the fashion landscape.


 As the expo drew to a close, KEE emerged triumphant, having captivated the hearts and minds of attendees with its groundbreaking innovation. The NOTAPE Zipper's seamless integration into a wide range of garments and its ability to enhance both aesthetics and functionality left a lasting impression on all who witnessed its debut.





Looking ahead, KEE remains steadfast in its commitment to pushing the boundaries of zipper technology and driving positive change within the industry. With the NOTAPE Zipper leading the way, KEE is poised to shape the future of clothing design, empowering designers to create with limitless creativity and sustainability in mind.


If you're intrigued by the revolutionary NOTAPE Zipper and would like to learn more about its potential for your designs, we invite you to reach out to KEE. Join us in embracing innovation and shaping the future of fashion.


About Us:

KEE is a leading global manufacturer and innovator of zippers, committed to delivering exceptional quality, functionality, and style. With a dedication to continuous innovation, KEE strives to push the boundaries of zipper technology, offering solutions that empower designers and enhance the overall garment experience.